Dr. Lauri Przybysz is Education Director of Catholics for Family Peace, http://www.catholicsforfamilypeace.org/, an education and research initiative that aims to inform everyone on ways the Catholic community can promote family peace and prevent and respond to domestic abuse. Experts in psychology, social work, and ministry volunteer to educate pastoral leaders, clergy, and parishioners to recognize domestic abuse and respond with compassion when someone turns to them for help, hope and healing. Their module for marriage preparation, free and downloadable in three languages, alerts people about potential abusive behaviors. For the Synod on Synodality, CFFP conducted a national survey and listening session, reaching out to survivors of domestic violence and those who minister to them.

Dr. Przybysz received the Doctor of Ministry at the Catholic University of America, specializing in adult faith formation. She is retired Coordinator of Marriage and Family Life for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and she is past-president of the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM). Lauri and her husband, John, are national leaders in the Christian Family Movement-USA https://www.cfm.org/ and they have twice addressed the Pontifical Council on the Family in Rome. Lauri now serves as RCIA catechist at her parish, Our Lady of the Fields Parish in Millersville, Maryland. She is the mother of six children and grandmother to 21. Her book, Catholic and Grandparenting: 5 Challenges and 5 Opportunities, is published by ACTA. A list of her other publications and workshops is on her website, http://www.familyministryresources.com/



January 1, 2023

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Mary, we welcome your love and concern for every person, every family. How we need your motherly care right now!

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