Anne Koester is with Georgetown University, Washington, DC, where she has been an adjunct instructor with the Theology Department since 2003.  She also oversees the RCIA process and is co-facilitator of the “Women Who Stayed” initiative at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in DC.   A former trial lawyer, Anne studied theology, with a concentration in liturgy, at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota.  She has worked at the Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy and the Georgetown Center for Liturgy.  From 2004-2007, Anne served on the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Women in the Church and Society.   She is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy and its Christian Initiation Seminar group.

Anne is the author of Sunday Mass: Our Role and Why It Matters (Liturgical Press, 2007), co-author of Liturgy and Ministry in Times of Need (Liturgy Training Publications, publication expected 2020) and Liturgy and Discipleship: Preparing Worship that Inspires and Transforms (Liturgy Training Publications, publication expected 2020), editor of Liturgy and Justice: To Worship God in Spirit and in Truth (Liturgical Press, 2002), and co-editor of Vision: The Scholarly Contributions of Mark Searle to Liturgical Renewal (Liturgical Press, 2004) and Called to Participate: Theological, Ritual and Social Perspectives by Mark Searle (Liturgical Press, 2006).  She is also published in Worship, Liturgical Ministry, Spiritual Life, Homily Service, among others.  



July 26, 2020

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We should find joy simply in sharing the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ and in building up the reign of God by loving others – as in everyone – not a select few, not just the ones we like or could benefit us, not just the ones whom we think are like us – but loving everyone.

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