May 5, 2024

Sixth Sunday of Easter



When we open our eyes to see the expansiveness of God’s love in the people that surround us, we draw into a deeper relationship with the Divine.



When we open our eyes to see the expansiveness of God’s love in the people that surround us, we draw into a deeper relationship with the Divine.
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April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Mersereau, CT

Jesus speaks of the mutual love always available to us and of God’s unending love


Mersereau, CT

Jesus speaks of the mutual love always available to us and of God’s unending love
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April 21, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sharon M.K.


If we believe in a Good Shepherd God then we are, each one of us, held as we navigate through the shadows of life, as we encounter illness of body or mind in ourselves or others, as we see despair and try to ease it, as we see the absence of justice and respond.

Sharon M.K.


If we believe in a Good Shepherd God then we are, each one of us, held as we navigate through the shadows of life, as we encounter illness of body or mind in ourselves or others, as we see despair and try to ease it, as we see the absence of justice and respond.
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April 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Easter

Mary Erika

Mary Erika Bolaños

The gospel reminds us that faith is not immune to doubt but can coexist with it. We are invited to confront our doubts honestly and openly, trusting that Christ will meet us in our vulnerability.

Mary Erika

Mary Erika Bolaños

The gospel reminds us that faith is not immune to doubt but can coexist with it. We are invited to confront our doubts honestly and openly, trusting that Christ will meet us in our vulnerability.
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April 7, 2024

Second Sunday of Easter

Layla A.


May our communities always make space for both the joy of the resurrection and the wounds of grief and doubt, so that the living God may come into our midst, speaking a word of peace, that we may believe and, through us, all may have life.

Layla A.


May our communities always make space for both the joy of the resurrection and the wounds of grief and doubt, so that the living God may come into our midst, speaking a word of peace, that we may believe and, through us, all may have life.
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March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

Dr. C. Vanessa


On this day, can we, like Mary, run and share the news of Jesus’ presence in our world? ... This Good News can change our hearts and change the world, if only we believe.

Dr. C. Vanessa


On this day, can we, like Mary, run and share the news of Jesus’ presence in our world? ... This Good News can change our hearts and change the world, if only we believe.
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March 29, 2024

Good Friday



In affirming them worthy of God’s loving, [Jesus] also inevitably disrupted the systems of power and oppression.



In affirming them worthy of God’s loving, [Jesus] also inevitably disrupted the systems of power and oppression.
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March 28, 2024

Holy Thursday

Dr. Cynthia

Bailey Manns

I invite YOU to multiply and deepen your Holy Thursday experiences as you embody Jesus’ bold, fierce love in your sacred encounters with others and God.

Dr. Cynthia

Bailey Manns

I invite YOU to multiply and deepen your Holy Thursday experiences as you embody Jesus’ bold, fierce love in your sacred encounters with others and God.
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March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday

Sheila Leocádia


May this Holy Week be a season of deep reflection on the Church we want, a season of more conversations in the Spirit, a season of prayer and listening, and a season of open dialogue with one another.

Sheila Leocádia


May this Holy Week be a season of deep reflection on the Church we want, a season of more conversations in the Spirit, a season of prayer and listening, and a season of open dialogue with one another.
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March 17, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Lent


Nchubiri, MM

The new covenant that has been written in our hearts is a law of love and care, not hate and punishment.


Nchubiri, MM

The new covenant that has been written in our hearts is a law of love and care, not hate and punishment.
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March 10, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Lent



May the love of Christ inspire and guide us in all that we do, and may we always be a beacon of hope and justice in a world that so desperately needs it.



May the love of Christ inspire and guide us in all that we do, and may we always be a beacon of hope and justice in a world that so desperately needs it.
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March 3, 2024

Third Sunday of Lent



Let God do God’s work while we do ours. And consider that maybe our work is as simple as walking each other home.



Let God do God’s work while we do ours. And consider that maybe our work is as simple as walking each other home.
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February 25, 2024

Second Sunday of Lent



What attachments do you have that are obstacles to cultivating the interior freedom to which God calls you?



What attachments do you have that are obstacles to cultivating the interior freedom to which God calls you?
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February 18, 2024

First Sunday of Lent



The desert upends our world. But the good news is that God is there, with us, in all.



The desert upends our world. But the good news is that God is there, with us, in all.
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February 14, 2024

Ash Wednesday

Clarissa V.


How do you believe God is inviting you into a Lenten journey that is uniquely beautiful and uniquely yours?

Clarissa V.


How do you believe God is inviting you into a Lenten journey that is uniquely beautiful and uniquely yours?
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