Elyse Raby is a doctoral candidate in systematic theology at Boston College. She is completing her dissertation on the church as the body of Christ in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Catholic theology and, in particular, how different understandings of embodiment shape our understandings of the church, its ministry, and its relationship to the world. She also researches in the areas of feminist theology and theological anthropology, especially on issues of gender and sexual diversity. She has written on priesthood and ministry in U.S. Catholic (April 2019), on intersex embodiment and a theology of creation in Theology and Sexuality (April 2018), and on Christian symbols and kyriarchal ideology in Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s book Congress of Wo/Men: Religion, Gender, and Kyriarchal Power (2016). She also writes for Give Us This Day.

Elyse holds a Masters in Theological Studies from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and a Bachelors in Religious Studies from Fairfield University. Prior to graduate school, she volunteered with the Catholic non-profit Rostro de Christo in Guayaquil, Ecuador and worked at Fairfield University in the Center for Catholic Studies and Center for Faith and Public Life.



August 23, 2020

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is the kind of lived authority, the kind of witness and testimony, that opens the doors to the kingdom of heaven. This is the authority that makes Christianity credible. It is the kind of authority that we so desperately need from our church leaders who are in positions of authority.

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