Hilda Ortiz Mena studied Art Restoration, obtaining a B.A. degree.  It was later in life, when her three boys were already grown up, that she started Master’s Program in Theology and Contemporary World at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) in Mexico City.  

She is currently in the final stages or earning her degree. At the university she is an active member of two research groups from the Theological Sciences department: one in theological ethics and the other one in art and the theological pro-vocations.

She has presented research papers at two different conferences organized by Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church in Bogotá (2016) and Sarajevo (2018). She has also presented in Aburquerque, NM at a conference organized by Achtus and in Mexico City, organized by the UIA.The paper presented in Bogotá, “RELACIÓN HOMBRE-MUJER ¿CUÁL ES NUESTRA PARTICIPACIÓN?,” was selected to be published with many others as a testimony of the voices heard in that congress in an e-book titled HACIA UNA ÉTICA DE PARTICIPACIÓN Y ESPERANZA. Congreso Lationoamericano de Ética Teológica, Editorial PUJ.

Her research is directed at developing ethical responses to inequality, such as gender inequality, and how it is made manifest through migration and ecology. Hilda’s current work considers feeding the hungry and considers how to give in ways that maintain the dignity of people and how to follow models given by Jesus of Nazareth.



May 26, 2019

Sixth Sunday of Easter

We cannot solve all of [the world's problems]. But we can dare to open the door and start a life of reconciliation and encounter everywhere we are.

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