Mariann McCorkle is Co-Director of the Ignatian Legacy Fellows Program, Loyola University Chicago.  She founded the program in 2018 with John Fontana, Co-Director, to promote a community of learning in a pilgrimage over one year in one’s retirement.  Mariann lives in Maryland, where she enjoys tennis, gardening, writing, and travel.  She travels every other month with the Ignatian Legacy Fellows, enjoying Santa Clara University, Boston College, Georgetown University and Loyola University Chicago, as well as Lima, Peru, Machu Picchu, Spain and Italy.  She is also engaged in leading change in organizations on the east coast and raises financial support for key initiatives in diversity and inclusion.  She enjoys her daughter, Olivia, who is expecting her first child in mid-May 2022 and her son, Zach, who lives near Olivia and who enjoys cooking and hiking with family.  Mariann met Betty Anne Donnelly (CWP Co-founder and Preacher Coordinator) at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in 2010-11 when Mariann was Director of Development. Mariann holds a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in English and has taught literature, poetry and spirituality for years.



May 15, 2022

Fifth Sunday of Easter

I invite you to reflect on your faith journey. Who accompanied you and made an impact on your spiritual life. Join me in giving thanks for that accompaniment.

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