Memorial of Saint Phoebe

September 3, 2020

September 3, 2020


All of us at Catholic Women Preach were heart-broken to hear of the passing of our dear friend Cynthia (Sam) Bowns. Sam was a remarkable woman and witness of faith, a gifted preacher, and a strong advocate for women in the Church - particularly the restoration of women in the diaconate. We are honored to re-present her preaching from Easter Season in May 2017 for today's Memorial of Saint Phoebe, the woman named "deacon" by Paul in Romans 16 who likely delivered and interpreted the letter to the community in Rome. May Sam delight in the fullness of God's loving presence, just as all who met her delighted in hers.

September 3, 2020

Memorial of Saint Phoebe





The reading from Acts shares a special snapshot
of life in the early Christian community – that of instituting the first
organized ministry – that of deacon.  We
read that the Hellenists are complaining to the Hebrews because their widows
are being neglected in the daily distribution, and that this neglect is rightly
perceived as an injustice by the Twelve. 
So, in a wise move, the Twelve call “together the community of disciples
and ask them to select seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom”
to serve the community in this capacity. 

Why is this action of the Twelve is a “wise move”? 
I believe that the Twelve rightly judge that  members of the community are the ones to
discern the need for this ministry to themselves.  The Twelve’s action also affirms that the
community will know who among them has the giftedness to accomplish the task.
“The proposal was acceptable to the whole community,” and they chose seven men
whom they presented to the Twelve, who then “prayed and laid hands on them.” 

So here is a wonderful snapshot of the first organized ministry and how it
unfolded.  OR IS IT?  I’ll return to this question in a few moments. . . .

The reading from 1 Peter is a testimony of how the Hebrew Scriptures inform our
understanding of who the fledgling community is.  They “are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people of God’s own.”  This early understanding of the Christian
community continues for us today in our Vatican II documents.  The documents speak of the Church as the
People of God, of ALL the baptized being called to the missionary activity of
Christ, and of a Church (again the people of God) which must “scrutinize the
signs of the times and interpret them in light of the Gospel.”

Our baptismal promises also call each of us to be “priest, prophet and king.”  Each baptized person is conferred with the
SAME privilege and responsibility to live as Christian witness without
consideration of race, gender, or social standing.  
“Every person must walk unhesitatingly
according to his (her) own personal gifts and duties in the path of living faith.”

Finally, the reading from John shares Jesus telling the Twelve, and therefore us, that
he goes ahead to prepare a place for us: “For in God’s house there are many
dwelling places.” Jesus tells the Twelve that if they have seen him, they have
seen God,  for each is in the other.
“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do,
and will do greater ones than these.”

Jesus does not limit these works of God to the Twelve, or to people in a certain
location or to men only. 

The story of the Samaritan women is a perfect case in point.  
Samaritans were despised by the Jews and this
particular woman, drawing water from Jacob’s well, was despised by her own
people.  She had had five husbands and
was living “in sin” with another. 
She could not have been more socially or religiously outcast. 
But Jesus’ interaction with her illuminates
in her the knowledge that he is indeed the Chosen One, and he urges her to go
share the Good News with her people. 
Jesus uses her to evangelize!  A Samaritan – a woman!

It would seem that part of the diversity of God’s house – the many dwelling places
– aptly mirror the diversity here on earth of the people God chooses to do
God’s work.  There are many talents, in many unexpected or non-sanctioned places
– ALL INTENDED to accomplish the works
that Christ did and to do “even greater ones.”

Whichbrings me back to my earlier question: Is this snapshot of the early diaconate,
as wonderful as it appears? 
Without hesitation, I would say that the photo is only partially developed and so the
true picture of the early community is very blurry and out of focus. 
This reading does not truly mirror the early community with regards to the ministry of deacon. 
Biblically and historically, there is a much different story to be told. 

Women were very involved in diaconal ministry-- for example Phoebe, whom Paul praises
in Romans as Deacon of Cenchrea -- and they remained in this service throughout
many centuries here in the West and in some areas of the Eastern Church, to
this very day.  Scripture also points to
other women deacons, for example in 1 Timothy 3:8-11 which speaks of the
characteristics that male deacons should have and then states that the “women
likewise must be serious, not slanderers, but temperate, faithful in all

Furthermore, Church historians, fathers and theologians have affirmed the existence of women
deacons since the beginning of Christianity. 
Origen, of the 3rd century stated that the reference to
Phoebe “teaches by apostolic authority that women also are appointed in the ministry of the Church.” 
Later, John Chrysostom believed the 1st Timothy reference as Paul speaking of
those women who hold the rank of deacon, not as addressing deacon’s

“Clement of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Pelagius
joined John in this interpretation: that it is fitting for women to perform
duties similar to those of deacons.’”  
Abelard in the 12th century not only quoted Origen, but would also quote
Jerome (fourth century), Cassiodorus (sixth century), and Claudius of Turin
(ninth century) to support (t)his reading as well.

So, why is this important to our discussion of the first reading? 
Quite simply, if you did not know the history of the early community,
you would think that only men were called to be deacons. 
Women are not mentioned; therefore, women were not active in this ministry. 
This snapshot is a distortion of our community’s reality.  
Besides Scripture, there is much solid archeological and written evidence supporting early women
deacons. I myself, did not know this until after years of study.  How therefore is the average parishioner, who
does not have a theological background or at least a more than passing interest
in the matter, going to view the office of deacon?

We owe it to ourselves to be mindful of our own wisdom as to what our “needs” are as a
community.  We need to have the courage of the early Hellenists
to put our needs out there for those in authority to understand “what” and “whom” we need in ministry. 

We must be courageous in our support of the
Vatican II document’s vision of the Church of God.
We need to blossom in our Baptismal Promise to
be Priest for one another, Prophet to All and King – one who follows the ancient notion of “ordo” –
what are we called to be, not what is conferred upon us. 

In closing I share some of the words of Jesuit Fr. Arturo Sosa, who addressed the
Voices of Faith event at the Vatican on International Women’s Day. 
Fr. Sosa stated: “We have to work harder to develop a profound theology of women.  I
will add an ecclesiology, a study of church,  that includes women equally. 
The inclusion of women in the church is a creative way to promote the necessary changes in it. . .  
It should push the church to become the People
of God as we proclaim by the Second Vatican Council. 
Women’s creativity can open new ways of being
a Christian community of disciples, men and women together,
witnesses and preachers of the good news.”

In other words, we need a better camera –
or at least a better snapshot of what the church has been for us historically
and what it is called to be in today’s world.

First Reading

ACTS 6:1-7


PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19

Second Reading

1 PT 2:4-9


JN 14:1-12
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Cynthia(Sam) Bowns

Cynthia(Sam) Bowns

Cynthia (Sam) M. Bowns, of Crete, Illinois, recently retired as a development associate and alumni coordinator at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Sam has a Masters of Divinity and a certificate in spiritual formation from Catholic Theological Union, where she continues to volunteer. A married mother of three, she has served for decades in a variety of parish ministries, including co-chair of RCIA, lector, Eucharistic minister and art and environment. 

Sam, a certified spiritual director, became a vocal advocate for restoring a women’s diaconate as she accompanied her husband throughhis discernment and training as a deacon in the Diocese of Joliet and came to experience a call to the diaconate herself. Sam has been interviewed or featured by the National Catholic Reporter, America Magazine, and PBS in their reporting on the possibility of ordaining women deacons.


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