Jenny DeVivo, OblSB, PhD is a biblical scholar who received her PhD in New Testament and Early Christianity from Loyola University Chicago.  She spent 10 years teaching biblical studies and other courses in theology in various Catholic universities.  Currently, she serves as the Executive Director of Mission and Heritage at her alma mater, Saint Xavier University in Chicago.  She is also a spiritual director, trained in the Spiritual Guidance Training Program at the Siena Center, in Racine, WI.  Jenny is a Benedictine Oblate with St. Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, MN.  Her theology, ministry, and spirituality have been shaped deeply by various religious communities, particularly, in order of appearance, the Sisters of Mercy, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and the Benedictines.



April 16, 2023

Second Sunday of Easter

On the days that the world has not stopped to collectively celebrate the resurrection, on the ordinary Tuesdays when it is business as usual, we need one another to attest to the resurrection in light of the reality of the cross.

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