Julia Morrow is a writer based in San Diego, California. She holds a B.A. in philosophy and theology from Wheaton College and is completing dual master’s degrees in theology at the Franciscan School of Theology and in library and information science at San José State University. She researches how art enriches spiritual practice, particularly in its ability to illuminate theological truths for modern audiences. Her approach is grounded in the contemplative Catholic tradition, Krister Stendahl’s “holy envy,” and the insights of thinkers such Simone Weil, William Blake, Søren Kierkegaard, Iris Murdoch, Meister Eckhart, and Wendell Berry.
Julia serves as a member of the board of directors for the Women’s Ordination Conference, as the production assistant for the forthcoming film Baptizing Feminism, and as a friend of her local public library. She contributes news and investigative reporting for FemCatholic, writes for places such as the L.A. Times, Wisdom’s Dwelling, Transpositions, and Women in Theology, and publishes a weekly Substack newsletter on theology, art, and culture.
When she’s not writing, Julia enjoys reading novels, spending time in nature, and remaining a dedicated evangelist for lipstick. You can find her on Instagram @julialouisemorrow.
Like John the Baptist at the Jordan River, we are called to bear witness to the boundless love of God at work in our world today, in ways that surprise and challenge us, but ultimately lead us into deeper communion with one another and with God.VIEW