Tia Noelle Pratt, PhD is a sociologist of religion specializing in systemic racism in the Catholic Church.  She received her PhD in Sociology from Fordham University in 2010.  For more than twenty years, Dr. Pratt has researched and written about how systemic racism impacts African-American Catholic identity.  She is the President and Director of Research at TNPratt & Associates, LLC an Inclusion and Diversity consulting firm in Philadelphia, PA and the curator of the #BlackCatholicsSyllabus.  She is currently working on a book, Faithful and Devoted:  Racism and Identity in the African-American Catholic Experience with funding from the Louisville Institute and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.  Her work has been featured in the edited volumes, Young American Catholics, and American Parishes, as well as Faithfully, Commonweal, The Revealer, National Catholic Reporter, and America.    You can follow her on Twitter @TiaPhD.



February 21, 2021

First Sunday of Lent

As we reflect on this first Sunday of Lent and in the days and weeks to come, we must not forget the sacrifice and suffering we have borne and witnessed in the last year. Doing so would dishonor all of that pain and all of that loss.

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